In 2020, Becca and Brandon were the first couple I ever photographed. At the time, I barely knew what I was doing, but they were so fun and playful they made it easy for me to test out my new photography skills on them. While I’ve been honored to photograph them multiple times since then, just two years after their very first session I had the opportunity to photograph their ten year dating anniversary. You can just see the love between the two of them! It was just as much fun (or even more) than our first session together.
If you can believe it, they still try to tell me they’re awkward in front of the camera, but my process makes sure that no matter what your comfort level is, you’ll look like a pro! Becca and Brandon definitely look like pros in front of the camera now, and their personalities really shine through!
We spent our session wandering around the Reed-Turner Woodland Nature Center, taking in all of the fall color and beautiful leaves. The sunset really lit up the forest with beautiful sun rays warming up the photos. It was such a nice touch to help celebrate their anniversary!
Becca and Brandon, thank you for joining me for your tenth anniversary session. It was so much fun to spend the evening with you in the fall colors!

For more couple session photos, check out my portfolio.
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